We provide a wide range of units for educational environments
Our units work to prevent carbon-dioxide build-ups from negatively affecting the concentration of pupils. Our units can also maintain the exact environmental conditions required for the preservation of art, artefacts and other important cultural objects.
Education and Culture Applications

Schools, Colleges and Sixth Form
There is definitely a correlation between learning environments and how well students and teachers function within them. Therefore, it makes good sense that everyone involved in specifying, operating and maintaining ventilation equipment understand the importance of proper ventilation and noise reduction.

A high level of Indoor Air Quality also needs to be achieved for optimum concentration at university level but, unlike in schools, a lot of learning at university takes place in large auditoriums or lecture theatres with high ceilings and big, open spaces. These things need to be considered at planning stages, whether new build or renovation.

Nurseries and Créche
It is important that ventilation systems within nurseries comply with the needed air changes per hour and provide fresh air to children and staff to prevent the spreading of germs and to aid concentration.

Mobile Classrooms
Mobile classrooms have the same Indoor Air Quality needs as normal classrooms as concentration is key to learning. The temperature and moisture level in these buildings also needs to be closely monitored to ensure the building remains usable.

Student Accommodation
The challenge for student accommodation is dealing with intermittent occupation, it is therefore necessary to have a system that is adaptable to changing levels of occupancy and a system that can cope with higher demand in communal areas.

Libraries and Archives
The importance of ventilation design in controlling the environment in which library collections are stored should be clearly understood and take into consideration temperature, humidity and gaseous contaminants.

Ventilation is critically important for museums, since it not only ensures the health and well-being of staff and patrons but also helps to minimise the potential for mould outbreaks by providing adequate circulation of the air.

Art Galleries
Stagnant air can promote mould growth and can be highly damaging for works of art in galleries; the ventilation system therefore needs to ensure adequate air circulation at all times.

There are many issues that need to be addresses within theatres e.g. the flexibility of the space and if the seating is fixed or removable, occupancy patterns, stage ventilation and cooling and the assessment of lighting heat gains amongst others.