20 May 2019

Introducing the Next Generation of Energy Recovery Units

By Elta

20 May 2019


In response to the latest update to the ISO 16890 filtration standards, Elta has unveiled the latest version of its Air Design PREMA range of energy recovery units.

Elta’s Design PREMA range boasts the smallest and lightest energy recovery ventilation units on the market, which also offer peaceful performance for a comfortable indoor environment. The units work by maintaining good indoor air quality and comfortable temperature levels by efficiently transferring thermal energy from the stale air to the incoming fresh air.

The units are available in four sizes to provide an airflow ranging from 0.006 to 0.936m3/s, and are suitable for a wide range of markets and applications, from schools and offices, to restaurants, hotels, and leisure centres.

Enhanced Filtration

The established product range now boasts improved indoor air quality by including a fine particulate filter on intake as standard. ISO ePM1 55% (F7) supply fine particulate filters are fitted in the units to remove pollutants and provide pure, clean, fresh air that encourages concentration and productivity.

Heat/Coolth* Recovery

In ‘heat recovery’ mode, the unit utilises the heat in the extracted air to warm the incoming air to increase the incoming external supply air to the desired temperature for the space or room. In ‘coolth recovery’ mode, the unit utilises the coolth in the extracted air to reduce the incoming air temperature via the heat/coolth exchanger block when desirable.

Dual Condensate Tray

A crucial addition to the new product range is the dual condensate tray meaning condensate can be dealt with on both sides of the high efficiency heat/coolth exchanger block via two separate drain points. This twin condensate drainage arrangement prevents unit internal air leakage and the possible undesirable accumulation of condensate on the fan chamber which could lead to poor quality air entering the occupied space.

Controls Capability

The PREMA and PREMA+ units can be easily paired with the innovative Kinairtico0 and Kinairtico Mini indoor air quality and energy recovery management devices. Offering easy and adjustable installation, set-up and BMS monitoring, along with superior controllability of the ventilation system, customers can select the best control option for the applicated via a tiered structure.

Thermal Treatment

The PREMA unit range now includes the PREMA+ that comes with new product features focused on comfort, ventilation and automation. The key addition to the PREMA+ energy recovery unit is its thermal treatment capabilities, allowing it to top-up the heating demand of the ventilation system in colder winter months to bring temperature to a comfortable level for occupants. The thermal treatment components available with the PREMA+ units are an electric heater of hot water coil.

Ana Cross, Associate Product Manager Air Handling Systems (UK) at Elta Group explains: “PREMA is a popular product range for us but in light of changes to air quality standards and strict building regulations, we wanted to improve our offering to be compliant while providing end-users with more benefits in terms of efficiency and control. Our proudest additions to the range are the improved automation packages for both PREMA and PREMA+ which allow clean and comfortable ventilation to be delivered efficiently, whenever it is required.”

For more information on Air Design, visit: www.air-design.com

*Coolth includes transfer of hot and cold air


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